Day 1: Shana to Thang Thangka.
Distance: Approx. 17 kms.
Time: Approx. 8-9 hours.
Start elevation: Approx. 2850 meters.
Campsite elevation: Approx. 3600 meters.
Pass: None.

Day 2: Thang Thangka to Jhomolhari Lhakhang and Back.
Distance: Approx. 18 kms.
Time: Approx. 8-9 hours.
Jhomolhari Nye elevation: Approx. 4000 meters.
Campsite elevation: Approx. 3900 meters.
Pass: None.

Day 3: To Jangothang, Jhomolhari Basecamp
Distance: Approx. 9 kms.
Time: Approx. 4-5 hours
Campsite Elevation: Approx. 4000 meters.
Pass: None.

If you did not see Mt. Jomolhari the previous evening, you will still have a chance to get a great view early this morning. This morning the trek continues up the Paro Chhu valley which widens into patches of alpine meadow and scanty growths of forest. You will cross an army checkpoint along the way and enjoy a spectacular view of high mountain ridges and snow-capped peaks. In this area yaks and their herder’s homes become a regular feature of the landscape. Passing the villages Soe, Takethang and Dangochang is another asset on this day. After reaching Jangothang, one of the most beautiful campsites of the Himalayas, you will again have a spectacular view of Mount Jomolhari.

Day 4: Jangothang Halt & Explore

The rest day in Jangothang provides plenty of possibilities for day hikes with great views of lakes and snow capped mountains such as Jomolhari and Jichu Drake. There are good chances to spot some blue sheep on the upper slopes of the valley. Jangothang is a perfect environment for your acclimatization. You can also trek up to Tosoh or hike around the area. There are good short hiking trails in three directions. Jomolhari and its subsidiary mountain chains lie directly west, Jichu Drake to the north and there are a number of unclimbed peaks to the east.

Day 5: Jangothang – Soi Yaktsa
Distance: Approx. 16 kms.
Time: Approx. 7-8 hours.
Campsite Elevation: Approx. 3900 meters.
High Pass: Bhonte La, Approx. 4900 meters.

The trail leads to a last settlement in the valley and drops to the Paro Chhu. Passing the lake of Tshophu (4,380m) you will climb up steeply to Bhonte La pass at 4,890 m, the highest point of this trek route. Reaching the Dhumzo Chhu river, you trek downstream passing the few houses of Soi Yaktsa (Dhumzo) to arrive at your camp soon after.

Day 6: Soi Yaktsa – Thombu Shong
Distance: Approx. 11 kms.
Time: 5-6 hours.
Campsite Elevation: 4100 meters.
High Pass: Takhung la, Approx. 4500 meters.

The trail climbs 100m over a ridge to drop to another stream then. After crossing the Takhung La pass (4,520m) you descent to Thombu Shong, three yak herder huts with your campsite next to them.

Day 7: Thombu Shong – Gunitsawa Village, Paro (Yay! We did it!)
Distance: Approx. 11 kms.
Time: 5-7 hours.
Pass: Thombu la, Approx. 4300 meters.
Crossing Thombu La pass (4,380m) you will finally reach Gunitsawa where the driver will be waiting for your arrival.